Eleonora Macchia

Scientific Director at Uniba

Dr. Eleonora Macchia is RTDb in the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Bari and adjunct professor at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. She received her BSc in Physics in 2014 and her PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2018 from the University of Bari. She has received 8 scientific awards and was selected as a Top 10 candidate in the 17th edition of the L’Oréal Italia For Women and Science Prize. Her research interests focus on selective and reliable electronic detection of proteins and genomic biomarkers at the physical boundary in clinically relevant biofluids. He also directs multivariate data analysis with chemometric approach, experiment design and sampling theory. At the age of 32, she has already published 54 publications in leading international journals since 2013, totaling 1,097 citations, with an h-index of 19. She is a winner of the ERC Starting Grant 2021, as PI of the NoOne project (GA number 101040383). She was Senior Researcher, as PI of the ProSiT project, funded by the Academy of Finland Research Council (GA#332106). Since March 2019, she has been a project researcher at Åbo Akademi University, within the H2020 SiMBiT project (GA#824946). She is co-inventor of two research projects and two patents. She is also strongly committed to the role of role model for young female scientists.